Thursday, September 13, 2012

iPhone vs Lumia = good for Nokia

I have read so many subjects and stories which compare iPhone 5- and Nokia Lumia 920 -phones. Only these two are in the headlines. No Samsung nor others. No matter which one of these two wins! The most important thing is Nokia is there! This goes to show Nokia is back in business. However, look at how many phones Nokia has sold last summer. Hmm. Samsung is the winner in business and Nokia takes the first price in desgn? Not fair but tue.

iPhone 5 but no Apple TV?

Ok, we got a new iPhone but no Apple TV! In case iPhone 5 LTE works in my hometown in Helsinki, Finland, Europe I'm going to buy one. In my opinion there is space for Apple TV as well. There was no "one more thing" in yesterday Apple keynote. Maybe only Jobs is allowed to say something like that?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apple Keynote September 2012 is about to start

Apple keynote is held today 12th of September starting at 10 AM PT. You can start your browsing here in case you want to get some more information over what's going to happen: . New products coming? Indeed!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Can't wait until Risc OS beta for Raspberry Pi is released!

I just can't wait until Risc OS beta for Raspberry Pi is released! Alpha verion is already out (see picture below) and working. It's lightning fast even now, much more responsive than Linux on Raspberry Pi. I'm looking forward to see beta version later this autumn! Look at: .

Web browser NetSurf works just fine!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Raspberry Pi - manufactured in the UK!

Raspberry Pi - credit card size computer is designed but now also manufactured in the UK! Let's buy these tiny PC's and give some jobs to people in England instead of China and USA. After all, many european countries are members of European Union. Keep up the good work Raspberry Pi -workers! BBC has more: .

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dropbox supports automatic uploads from CF- and SD -cards

I replaced my CF-card from my laptop by accident. After inserting it back Dropbox asked if I want to upload all pictures on CF-card to Camera Uploads -folder on Dropbox cloud. What a nice surprise! My Android-phone and iPhone already do the same. I had no idea the same works with Windows as well!

Dropbox installed

Dropbox asking if I want to upload photos

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LTE is supported by Nokia Lumia 920 and 820

I had my doubts. However, Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 will both support LTE. This is good news for me. No camera nor wireless charging make me say "Wau". LTE does!

Nokia Lumia 920 unveiled - no 4G?

Nokia Lumia 920 has no 4G? I have to wait until next week and see what Apple has to say...

Nokia unveils new phones today - live video available

Nokia unveils new mobile phones today at 10 am in New york. Live video is available at: .

There is too much speculation going on. Let's just wait and see what Nokia has to say.