Saturday, October 26, 2013

Run Android 4.3 on PC

Did you know it's possible to run Android 4.3 on PC? I've done it many times. It's legal - and a lot of fun!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

OS X Mavericks will be available with no charge!

According to Apple OS X Mavericks will be available for free. So you don't need to pay anything! Now what, Microsoft? What's best, Mavericks runs on fairly old Macs as well!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Microsoft, why do you let me down at a critical moment?

My Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8 installed lets me down when not expected:

  • When trying to open Facebook-conversations. Meanwhile Twitter works just fine.
  • When opening a website. Internet Explorer keeps loading and loading. Nothing on screen. Please allow other browsers on WP8!

It's so annoying! Every time I really want to make sure work is done I have my LG Nexus 4 with me with Android 4.3 which does what I want. Period.

That's in finnish. It says there is
a problem gathering the information.

Windows 8.1 Customer Preview will work until January 2014

I installed Windows 8.1 Customer Preview as soon as it came available on summer 2013. Never faced any serious problems with it. I was very satisfied with it.

Now the time has come to get rid of Windows 8.1 Customer Preview. It will work until January 2014. That's what Microsoft says. So why not just install Windows 8.1 RTM? As far as I recall there was an ISO-image available. Because I Installed Windows 8.1 Consumer Preview using ISO-image I'm not allowed to update my Preview to RTM according to Microsoft. My bad :P!

Now what? Well, I have plenty of time to backup all important files before deleting the whole hardddisk. Besides there are many rumors around telling what is going happen after Windows 8.1 RTM. Windows 8.2 or 9 in 2015? Heaven (or Microsoft) knows.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The next Ubuntu is 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr

Now that Ubuntu 13.10 is out the next version development is already starting. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr will be released in April 2014 and will offer Long Term Support (=LTS). Usually this means 18 months.

You can always check repositories which are already open:

And release schedule:

Windows 8.1 finally has a proper app for Facebook

At the same time with Windows 8.1 a new app for Facebook came available n the Store (for free!). If you are used to iPad and Android tablets then you feel like home with this app. Although there seem to be some bugs around I'm satisfied with the application and look forward to see updates in the future.

Facebook-app is optimized for Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 did install just fine

Although the install of Windows 8.1 was slow everything else went just fine. My Acer Iconia W510 got an update and a brand new Facebook-app.

The Store (in finnish)

Start-menu looks the same

It is Windows 8.1 indeed!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

When to expect Windows Phone 8 GDR3 -update to arrive

Microsoft announced their third update called GDR3 for Windows Phone 8 will be available "in the coming weeks" and "will continue over several months".  When will one expect to receive this update for real? Well, that depends on where you live and on your current operator. Be patient!

Windows 8.1 udate is knocking on door - are you ready?

Still using Windows 7 or even XP? Now it's time to update and start using the latest software from Microsoft. Windows 8.1 will be available for free in just a couple of days.

Keep in mind that Windows 8.1 has support for example for 3D-printing and Miracast-mirroring. That goes to show how Microsoft adds new features on Windows 8.1 only. Previous versions don't get this kind of candy at all.

One more thing. The next Microsoft Office will be available only for Windows 8/8.1. There is no evidence yet though. But I think Microsoft has to move forward and force customers change to Windows 8.1. One bait is, of course, Microsoft Office.

Windows 8.1 update will be available for free in October 2013 for anyone who owns and is running Windows 8.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finnish game company Supercell acquired by japanese

Finnish game company Supercell is acquired by japanese. Finnish national broadcasting company has more: .

With Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth 4 Low Energy you'll get into the iBeacon world

Raspberry Pi which has it's origins in Wales, UK, is again taking one step forward. This time "Raspi" can be transformed into a low-cost iBeacon (Apple) device.

You'll also need a bluetooth 4 low energy -dongle. In my case I bought dongle from Telewell (see the picture below). Not sure if Telewell is compatible with Raspbian. I hope so.

After that you can read through the following instructions:

I haven't tried it not just yet. But I'm eager to give it a shot.

I've got BT-dongle, Raspi and iPad Mini with receiving
ibeacon software installed waiting for the test

Microsoft adds support for Miracast on Windows 8.1

You all know Chromecast, a low cost dongle, which let's you mirror your Android -tablet or -phone on TV screen. But what if you are using Windows?

Try Miracast. Windows 8.1 has support for Miracast. Later this October, 2013 we will see how it works. Before that, take a look how Microsoft does it:

Mozilla Appmaker helps you to design and publish your own Firefox OS -apps

Mozilla Appmaker is a pre-alpha -environment which works in your web-browser and lets you create and publish your own apps for Firefox OS. Take a look at: .

If you want to create a little app of your own, see first this YouTube-video, which explains what to do:

As no programming skill is needed, anyone can create visible great apps. Maybe later it's possible to write and add some code to make apps do more complex tasks.

Mozilla Appmaker on my Chromebook

Friday, October 4, 2013

Firefox OS 1.2 on Peak-smartphone from Geeksphone

This was already the second time my Peak-phone got an update. I'm so glad it's still supported. Let's hope Peak (which is actually a developer version)  from Geeksphone will receive one or more updates in the future!

Flashing went through nicely although I did read once more this webpage before starting, you know, just in case:

It's too early for me to say, what changes are made in Firefox OS 1.2 since I got my peak updated only a couple of minutes ago :P! However earlier this week I noticed Sony is going to release next year a highend smartphone with Firefox OS pre-installed. They already offered FFOS1.0 for Xperia E earlier this year. This goes to show how bigger players really are interested in Firefox OS. Let's hope all the best for Firefox OS!

Peak is updating...

...and success!