Friday, October 4, 2013

Firefox OS 1.2 on Peak-smartphone from Geeksphone

This was already the second time my Peak-phone got an update. I'm so glad it's still supported. Let's hope Peak (which is actually a developer version)  from Geeksphone will receive one or more updates in the future!

Flashing went through nicely although I did read once more this webpage before starting, you know, just in case:

It's too early for me to say, what changes are made in Firefox OS 1.2 since I got my peak updated only a couple of minutes ago :P! However earlier this week I noticed Sony is going to release next year a highend smartphone with Firefox OS pre-installed. They already offered FFOS1.0 for Xperia E earlier this year. This goes to show how bigger players really are interested in Firefox OS. Let's hope all the best for Firefox OS!

Peak is updating...

...and success!

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