Saturday, December 8, 2012

Micro-SD -card and RISC OS on Raspberry Pi

In case you have a leftover Micro-SD -card, don't throw it away! With an adapter it's possible to run for example RISC OS on Raspberry Pi. And although Micro-SD -cards are not that fast, it's not a problem what comes to RISC OS.

My card is a 2 GB and used to serve as a regular mobile phone storage. When writing for example music on that card it took a lot of time. This goes to show Micro-SD cards are, eh, slow.

After downloading RISC OS I wrote the image and was ready to boot Raspberry Pi - with no success. I only got 640*480 RISC OS boot screen saying there's nothing (or enough) on the card. Now what? I downloaded an update which I renamed as RISCOS.IMG. After that I replaced the old file with the newer one on the card. That helped! I got an extra harddisk for Raspberry Pi! RISC OS is so lightning fast it doesn't matter if Micro-SD -card is a bit slow.

Micro-SD -card bottom right and the adapter above the card.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Plan 9 for Raspberry Pi is out!

Plan 9 is a UNIX-like operating system from Bell Labs. It's hardware requirements are low. How does this sound; 32 MB RAM and 486-processor? From now on Raspberry Pi is also supported. You can download image and write it to an SD-card, read some manuals and start using Plan!

It seems Raspberry Pi is becoming more and more versatile base and is offering whole bunch of different operating systems for you and me. What a bless! Intel-based computers are not that attractive because "Raspi" is so much cheaper and still has a lot of potential.

I've been studying RISC OS and, in fact, just got started with it. Now another OS is knocking on door. Plan 9 might look and feel very different from any other OS. But that's just great fun and adventurous! I feel I'm really lucky that I found Raspberry Pi and all it has to offer. Plan 9 is one very important step forward for Raspberry Pi.

Check out these links:

Edit: Here's what I got! Plan 9 boots quickly. Not much I can do with it at the moment. I have to read through manuals...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

RISC OS saves my time!

Ever thought how much time you spend watching useless YouTube-vdeos or updating Facebook-status? Want to get rid of all that? Get yourself Raspberry Pi and install RISC OS on it! The trick is that Netsurf-browser which follows with RISC OS you can't see any videos or write status updates.

In my point of view very cheap computer (ie Raspberry Pi) with some very quick and minimum size software (RISC OS) life can become much easier yet more efficient. When giving up web 2.0 -apps I can concentrate on the most essential things. I have more space for my own thoughts. No video nor update cab interrupt when I'm working. Raspberry Pi (around 50 €) and RISC OS (free of charge) are worth every penny!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Microsoft Blue makes me feel blue

Mid 2013 will bring us a new version of Windows which is called Windows Blue. From now on we'll see yearly published operating systems from Microsoft. This is something Apple is already doing.

I must admit I'm feeling blue. Although it's interesting to try new software this time there is no point in Microsoft politics. Where are the new and modern productivity tools for smart phones and slates? All Microsoft can is yet-another-operating-system.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

All set - Windows Phone 7.8 update maybe tomorrow?

I heard a rumor Windows Phone 7.8 will be released tomorrow (ie 28th of November). Hey, that's not a problem. All is set and done! My phone is ready to receive updates via Zune software by Microsoft. Can't wait to see new tiles etc. and everything else Microsoft has to offer!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nokia sticks to smart phones? No good!

While Microsoft and Google have their own smart glasses -projects Nokia still sticks to smart phones. Google even has a project called Interactive Spaces which makes rooms alive and interact with you.

Do you think smart phones and notebooks are enough, let's say, ten years from now? Certainly not. That's why I think Nokia is not doing the right thing at the moment. Nokia should concentrate on creating something new and exciting instead of manufacturing smart phones.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

iPads, tablets and slates are 'so last season' - next some ubique?

Finally different kind of slates and tablets are here and anyone can afford such devices. But those who already two or three years ago purchased their first slates are looking forward to take next step. What might that be?

Over the past 30 years we've been looking at screens at home and work. Besides, now we are even able to have them (ie phones with touch screens) with us all the time. Isn't it nice? What else can you imagine?

Google has a project called Interactive Spaces going on. In short, when entering a room computers are hidden and interact with you as you move in the room. This is what Ubique (lat. everywhere) is all about.

But wait! I do want to keep my phone and touch it's screen while sitting in the bus etc. Of course. No problem. Just make sure you download apps which then interact with different spaces you enter. Let's say want to see some furniture at Ikea. Phones are helping Ikea to recognize you and the rest is up to Ikea to decide how ubique their premises can be.

At home I sometimes feel tired and don't need or want that much light. What if my very own ubique computer thinks different and turns on lights? That's called the Big Brother.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 live stream available soon for all Jolla and Sailfish fans!

Watch the SLUSH live stream at You never know if Sailfish (former MeeGo) will be your next mobile OS!

Zip-packages are here again!

Just when you thought you never need them (zip-packages) again - they are back! You see, when downloading more than one file from cloud services (SkyDrive, Dropbox etc.) youl'll receive zip-package with all files you wanted inside. Neat!

In order to extract your files all you have to do is double click zip-package. Then drag and drop files to a better place. And that's it!

Choose multiple files. Then click right
mouse button and download zip-package.

Pics are inside zip-package.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sailfish mobile operating system by Jolla is almost here (in Helsinki)

Next week (21st-22nd of November) Jolla is going to unveil their mobile operating system called Sailfish which has it's roots in MeeGo (by Intel and Nokia). This takes place in Helsinki, Finland, Europe during the two-day start-up conference where one can see other little companies as well as Jolla. Later this year (that is in December!) we'll see two smart phones by Jolla.

It will be interesting to see and compare Windows Phone 8 and Sailfish. Why did I choose these two? You see, those who work for Jolla are former Nokia workers. You remember Nokia N9 which has MeeGo inside? Those guys at Jolla made N9 happen.

But haven't we already seen all? What could possibly make us say: "Wow"? I guess those were my "famous last words" ;-). Next week world will not be the same again! At least we have "yet another mobile OS out" which is hungry like a wolf and is going to challenge other OS's. Please keep in mind Jolla already has contracts with chinese operators. This means Sailfish is not something Microsoft, Google and Apple can ignore.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did you alredy download RISC OS for Raspberry Pi?

Does Linux with GUI on Raspberry Pi feel sluggish? Download RISC OS for RPi - in case you want to make your RPi fly.

Try this direct download:

or torrent:

How to run and use RISC OS? This guide will help you

Good news! Finally RISC OS for Raspberry Pi is out! Together those two are lightning fast. But no matter how fast RISC OS is different from other operating systems. If you are used to Windows, Mac OS X or Linux it might not help this time. So instead of trying to figure it out yourself download the following guide which helps you through RISC OS: A Stroll Around RISC OS (pdf).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

iPhone vs Lumia = good for Nokia

I have read so many subjects and stories which compare iPhone 5- and Nokia Lumia 920 -phones. Only these two are in the headlines. No Samsung nor others. No matter which one of these two wins! The most important thing is Nokia is there! This goes to show Nokia is back in business. However, look at how many phones Nokia has sold last summer. Hmm. Samsung is the winner in business and Nokia takes the first price in desgn? Not fair but tue.

iPhone 5 but no Apple TV?

Ok, we got a new iPhone but no Apple TV! In case iPhone 5 LTE works in my hometown in Helsinki, Finland, Europe I'm going to buy one. In my opinion there is space for Apple TV as well. There was no "one more thing" in yesterday Apple keynote. Maybe only Jobs is allowed to say something like that?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apple Keynote September 2012 is about to start

Apple keynote is held today 12th of September starting at 10 AM PT. You can start your browsing here in case you want to get some more information over what's going to happen: . New products coming? Indeed!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Can't wait until Risc OS beta for Raspberry Pi is released!

I just can't wait until Risc OS beta for Raspberry Pi is released! Alpha verion is already out (see picture below) and working. It's lightning fast even now, much more responsive than Linux on Raspberry Pi. I'm looking forward to see beta version later this autumn! Look at: .

Web browser NetSurf works just fine!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Raspberry Pi - manufactured in the UK!

Raspberry Pi - credit card size computer is designed but now also manufactured in the UK! Let's buy these tiny PC's and give some jobs to people in England instead of China and USA. After all, many european countries are members of European Union. Keep up the good work Raspberry Pi -workers! BBC has more: .

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dropbox supports automatic uploads from CF- and SD -cards

I replaced my CF-card from my laptop by accident. After inserting it back Dropbox asked if I want to upload all pictures on CF-card to Camera Uploads -folder on Dropbox cloud. What a nice surprise! My Android-phone and iPhone already do the same. I had no idea the same works with Windows as well!

Dropbox installed

Dropbox asking if I want to upload photos

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LTE is supported by Nokia Lumia 920 and 820

I had my doubts. However, Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 will both support LTE. This is good news for me. No camera nor wireless charging make me say "Wau". LTE does!

Nokia Lumia 920 unveiled - no 4G?

Nokia Lumia 920 has no 4G? I have to wait until next week and see what Apple has to say...

Nokia unveils new phones today - live video available

Nokia unveils new mobile phones today at 10 am in New york. Live video is available at: .

There is too much speculation going on. Let's just wait and see what Nokia has to say.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Jolla is recruiting new workers - all have same salary

Jolla is recruiting! They have 50 workers at the moment and 100 until Christmas. Interesting enough, salary stays the same with every worker... plus bonuses :) which depend on whether work has been done or not. Workgroups may evaluate their own work and decide if group members are worth bonuses. Jolla says this kind of system is working just fine. Interesting!

Read more (in finnish):

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Windows 8 -based phone from Samsung - good or bad for Nokia?

Samsung hit Windows 8 phone market with it's ATIV S -model. Is this good or  bad for Nokia? It depends. Think about mall with only a few botuques inside. No good. Together Samsung and Nokia convince Windows Phone 8 -phones are worth buying. So it's a good thing there are many WP8 -manufacturers.

On the other hand new Nokia WP8 -phones with 20 Mpix camera might cost a lot. Cheaper WP8-phones from Samsung are offered via operators, especially in the USA, I think.

What about Microsoft? What sort of deal MS and Samsung have together? Is it different from MS-Nokia -deal? Is Samsung more flexible company that Nokia because of many supported platforms (Android, WP8)? Nokia let Symbian go just a little ago and concentrated on WP8. I still think Nokia should consider manufacturing rubber boots like they did long time ago.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nokia: Things are about to change

Even Nokia has realized it: things are about to change. Because of new iPhone perhaps?  Maybe Microsoft will sell millions of Windows 8 -tabs? Or did Nokia mean they still have something to say?

So Nokia released a teaser. See below. In my opinion it's not teasing or pleasing, only irritating:

My bicycle looks much better :D!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Word 2013 is able to *open* PDF's

So far Word has only been able to save document as PDF. Word 2013 can also *open* PDS's for editing. In case of long and complex PDF it takes some time before file opens.

How useful is that kind of feature anyway? I guess we've been waiting for it as long as PDF's have been available. Permitting editing of PDF's is a calculated move from Microsoft. This way it's more and more difficult for Adobe to sell PDF-editing software.

Now that I finally can edit PDF's with Word I find this feature obsolete. The whole PDF-based industry works much the same way as before; there are separate editing and reading software available. Microsoft Word can't fully act as a premium editor for PDF's although is able to open complex PDF's. Adobe products still do it better!

Samsung starting with Windows Phone 8 - will Nokia survive?

Microsoft and Nokia are revealing new phone models in the beginning of September. God news for me as a customer is Samsung and Huawei are also interested in Windows Phone 8. Samsung is freezing Tizen and concentrating on Windows Phone 8.

Look at Samsung Galaxy I,II and III -phones. This product line is very popular. Although a bit expensive and premium phones they sell very well. Huawei on the other hand has offered low-end Android phones - until now. Think about Windows Phone 8 -based phone from Huawei which costs only 1 € or 1 $ offered by your local operator.

Nokia will soon reveal at least two new Windows Phone 8 -phones. They have bigger screens etc., maybe better camera as well. Will that be enough against Samsung and Huawei? I doubt.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Run Windows 8 on USB-memory stick

It's possible to run Windows 8 on USB-memory stick. Microsoft has a name for it: Windows To Go.

Ok, how to prepare Windows 8 on USB-memory stick? First off, you need these:
  • A PC running Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • The ISO image of Windows 8
  • The Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK)
  • A USB storage device (at least 30GB) 
Then follow steps at Ars Technica:

Will this kind of way of using Windows be very popular? I have no idea. It might be handy for support people. Security enterprises like F-secure benefit from it since "all bad things are transmitted via Windows To Go -sticks".

Bought 32 GB stick


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An old Android phone is like Windows - don't install anything and make factory reset every now and then

My Android 2.2 -based Huawei U8180 is not that old. Only after six months and after several app installs phone is stuck and needs factory reset. Nothing else helps. I can't help thinking of another similarly behaving system - Windows.

Ok, after factory reset Huawei is back in the business again. I wonder if this slow phone kind of thing happens to every Huawei U8180 user. No review explains what happens after the phone is purchased. Maybe I'd better get used to the idea that my phone doesn't like that many apps.

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to activate Windows 8 Enterprise

Windows 8 Enterprise installs without asking key which is then changed afterwards. Graphical tool won't work. Off to the command line:

  1. Get the key! Don't know where. That's up to you! MSDN?
  2. Click right key in the left bottom corner of Windows 8 and click with left Command Prompt (Admin). Click Yes.
  3. Type the following command: slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX . Replace X-letters with your key. (No period in the end of command!) After pushing enter Windows 8 Enterprise is activated! I was a bit surprised since command slmgr.vbs /ato wasn't needed.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Print your own case for Raspberry Pi

There are different commercial cases available for Raspberry Pi. The best thing to do is print your own and make it look like you want!

So take a look at this pdf: . It has all the shapes and measures ready made. All you need to do is to find a wallpaper which suits you. I did a bit browsing and ended up choosing one of the Marimekko background pictures: .

Print your favorite wallpaper on paper and place it in the printer again. Then open the pdf mentioned above and print the case. And that's it! Of course you'll need scissors and some glue but after a while your Raspberry Pi has a case no one else has.

The MagPi - free of charge mag for all of us Raspberry Pi lovers

In case you didn't know one might fall in love with Raspberry Pi single board computer. If that happen to you no information is enough and you want eat quickly everything that has to do with Raspberry Pi. Is that so? Ok, aim your browser at: . You'll find free of charge pdf-based magazines full of nice Raspberry Pi stuff. Download and read when life sucks. This mag makes us all smile!

Windows 8 comes along with ultrabook and touch screen

I've been using different versions on Windows 8 almost a year now. My conclusion is Windows 8 needs a touch screen. Otherwise it takes too much time and effort to move between those two desktops (new one is not called Metro anymore!).

So I'm looking for an ultrabook with touch screen. Asus and Acer will show up with their models later this autumn. Ok, after finding one will my productivity accelerate to the top? I doubt. Rising my hands from the keyboard and touching screen might be as slow as working with mouse with no keyboard shortcuts. Let's hope Windows 8 graphical user interface still developes. PC-industry is only 30 years old and there are many years ahead.

Will floppy drive work on Windows 8? Quick answer - yes!

Ok, I must admit it. Floppy drive is obsolete. However, in case someone has old floppies still around; Windows 8 recognizes USB-attached floppy drive. Floppies are both readable and writeable.

Run Risc OS on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is able to run different operating systems. Most of them are based on Linux. Risc OS has it's roots in UNIX and belongs to the same UNIX-family as Linux. And, of course, one can run Risc OS on Raspberry Pi!

Since Raspberry Pi only has 256 MB RAM it needs a light yet powerful operating system. Debian-based Raspbian does a good job but is a bit slow after all. Risc OS is much more faster. Downside is Risc OS UI is not yet ready for Raspberry Pi. One can try it but it's not intended for everyday use.

First off, let's download image of Risc OS. It can be foud here: . Unzip the package which has Risc OS inside.

Next thing to do is to download Win 32 Disk Imager for Windows and burn Risc OS image on a SD-card. See picture below. Burning is pretty straight forward. If you face any problems google around or leave me a message:

Now place newly burned SD-card and power up Raspberry Pi. If everything went fine Risc OS boots and show up.

Raspberry Pi is my favorite hardware because it takes me to another level compared to Intel-based computers. I can run different operating systems thanks to different processor which in Raspberry Pi's case is ARM.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

MeeGo UI by Jolla ready

Jolla, a little company from Finland, is developing MeeGo (OS for mobile phones) and is going to unveil two MeeGo phones with their new UI (User Interface) this autumn. In addition, new MeeGo -phones can run Android apps! Jolla now has an ecosystem and is a real rival for Nokia! Zdnet has more: .

Chromium OS boots on Raspberry Pi - not usable just yet

Chromium OS does boot on Raspberry Pi but is not usable just yet. This is due to lack of graphical acceleration. So Chromium OS is very slow on Raspberry Pi. Inspite of that Hexxeh has made Chromium OS available for anyone. No image though. See for yourself: .

FirefoxOS boots on Raspberry Pi

FirefoxOS by Mozilla Foundation is a mobile operating system which can be run on mobile phones. But there's more hardware support on the way. Raspberry Pi is able to run FirefoxOS! I look forward to see fully working image sooner or later. Before that, let us enjoy video by Oleg Romashin: