Thursday, August 30, 2012

Windows 8 -based phone from Samsung - good or bad for Nokia?

Samsung hit Windows 8 phone market with it's ATIV S -model. Is this good or  bad for Nokia? It depends. Think about mall with only a few botuques inside. No good. Together Samsung and Nokia convince Windows Phone 8 -phones are worth buying. So it's a good thing there are many WP8 -manufacturers.

On the other hand new Nokia WP8 -phones with 20 Mpix camera might cost a lot. Cheaper WP8-phones from Samsung are offered via operators, especially in the USA, I think.

What about Microsoft? What sort of deal MS and Samsung have together? Is it different from MS-Nokia -deal? Is Samsung more flexible company that Nokia because of many supported platforms (Android, WP8)? Nokia let Symbian go just a little ago and concentrated on WP8. I still think Nokia should consider manufacturing rubber boots like they did long time ago.

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