Sunday, August 26, 2012

Samsung starting with Windows Phone 8 - will Nokia survive?

Microsoft and Nokia are revealing new phone models in the beginning of September. God news for me as a customer is Samsung and Huawei are also interested in Windows Phone 8. Samsung is freezing Tizen and concentrating on Windows Phone 8.

Look at Samsung Galaxy I,II and III -phones. This product line is very popular. Although a bit expensive and premium phones they sell very well. Huawei on the other hand has offered low-end Android phones - until now. Think about Windows Phone 8 -based phone from Huawei which costs only 1 € or 1 $ offered by your local operator.

Nokia will soon reveal at least two new Windows Phone 8 -phones. They have bigger screens etc., maybe better camera as well. Will that be enough against Samsung and Huawei? I doubt.

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