Sunday, August 19, 2012

Run Risc OS on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is able to run different operating systems. Most of them are based on Linux. Risc OS has it's roots in UNIX and belongs to the same UNIX-family as Linux. And, of course, one can run Risc OS on Raspberry Pi!

Since Raspberry Pi only has 256 MB RAM it needs a light yet powerful operating system. Debian-based Raspbian does a good job but is a bit slow after all. Risc OS is much more faster. Downside is Risc OS UI is not yet ready for Raspberry Pi. One can try it but it's not intended for everyday use.

First off, let's download image of Risc OS. It can be foud here: . Unzip the package which has Risc OS inside.

Next thing to do is to download Win 32 Disk Imager for Windows and burn Risc OS image on a SD-card. See picture below. Burning is pretty straight forward. If you face any problems google around or leave me a message:

Now place newly burned SD-card and power up Raspberry Pi. If everything went fine Risc OS boots and show up.

Raspberry Pi is my favorite hardware because it takes me to another level compared to Intel-based computers. I can run different operating systems thanks to different processor which in Raspberry Pi's case is ARM.

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