Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An old Android phone is like Windows - don't install anything and make factory reset every now and then

My Android 2.2 -based Huawei U8180 is not that old. Only after six months and after several app installs phone is stuck and needs factory reset. Nothing else helps. I can't help thinking of another similarly behaving system - Windows.

Ok, after factory reset Huawei is back in the business again. I wonder if this slow phone kind of thing happens to every Huawei U8180 user. No review explains what happens after the phone is purchased. Maybe I'd better get used to the idea that my phone doesn't like that many apps.


  1. Or maybe you should realize that a chinese 99 dollars phone was good for a few month...
    It's like complaining to all cars because your Lada drains too much fuel and the motor make strange noise.

  2. Someone replying! Yes! In fact once I had a "da-da" :D. I'm resigning to my fate ;-).
